Monday, July 8, 2019

Cluster of Saffron Flowers - Muka Panchasati

In the very first stanza of the Muka Panchasati, the kavi calls Devi as "Paracidrupa". The cit itself takes the form of compassion and Muka likens it to " kasmira stabakam", cluster of saffron flowers. Likening to a creeper than entwines Kanchipuram.
कारणपरचिद्रूपा काञ्चीपुरसीम्नि कामपीठगता
काचन विहरति करुणा काश्मीरस्तबककोमलाङ्गलता १॥
kāraaparacidrūpā kāñcīpurasīmni kāmapīhagatā
kācana viharati karuā kāśmīrastabakakomalāgalatā 1

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