The Moon cycles have been closely linked to a woman's menstrual cycles.
Yet, interestingly, performing solar remedies, will have its benefits of improving blood circulation where there are issues of blocked solar chakra, where it manifests as weight gain, and lack of assertiveness in case of a blocked agnya chakra.
In such cases performing the warrior pose, the surya namaskar, surya arghya helps.
activation of the solar plexus chakra - the manipura chakra- gets going the digestive fires- thereby enaabling the better metbolism and improved circulation.
The menstrual cycle is closely tied to the Moon, but the Sun and Moon work together in balancing your inner energies: A strong Sun supports a steady mind, which aids the Moon’s role in regulating emotions and cycles.
Thus solar energy helps
1. Clear blockages
2. Remove stagnantion
3. Improves blood circulation
4. Increases the strength of mind - therby enabling better regulation of emotions
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